This module builds webs, where a web is defined as a set of lines drawn between given points, in such a way that intersections do not occur.
As customary, webs will be introduced via annotated code, which generates this image:
Here's the code:
import {rs as linePP} from '/shape/line.mjs'; import {rs as basicP} from '/generators/basics.mjs'; import {rs as addPointMethods} from '/mlib/pointGen.mjs'; import {rs as addWebMethods} from '/mlib/web.mjs'; let rs = basicP.instantiate(); addPointMethods(rs); addWebMethods(rs); rs.setName('web_wheel'); let rd= 3000; let topParams = {width:rd,height:rd,framePadding:1.2*rd}; let webParams = {webTries:1000,minConnectorLength:0,maxConnectorLength:2000}; let ringParams = {numRings:20,radius:rd,numPointsPerRing:20}; Object.assign(rs,topParams); rs.initProtos = function () { let lineP = this.lineP = linePP.instantiate(); this.lineP.stroke = 'white'; this.lineP['stroke-width'] = .1; this.lineP['stroke-width'] = 5; } rs.initialize = function () { this.initProtos(); let points = this.ringPoints(ringParams); this.generateWeb(Object.assign(webParams,{points})); this.addFrame(); } export {rs};
A web is a set of lines ("connectors") obeying the length constraints which connect given points without intersecting. generateWeb successively adds new connectors until it impossible to add a connector without intersection. generateWeb has this type:
generateWeb will take its parameters from this if they are not found in the parameter object.